I was created out of madness by Victor Frankenstein.
Victor used body parts and chemicals with a little bit of electricity. I was well over 8ft tall with enormous strength! I
started out being shy and afraid and then after different harsh encounters with various people I start having hatred for my
creator and all mankind! My creator Victor never named me; so many people just call me MONSTER! Part of Victor’s rejection of
me is the fact that he does not give me a name, which gives me a lack of identity. Instead I am referred to by words such
as "monster", "creature", "demon", "dæmon", "fiend","demonic corpse", "the being" and "wretch". When Frankenstein converses
with me in Chapter 10, he addresses me as "Devil", "Vile insect", "Abhorred monster", "fiend", "wretched devil", and "abhorred
because that is the way I act. I was not a very nice person, mostly because of the way people treated me. I started out trying
to be nice to people but when they saw my face, no one treated me nice and maybe if they had not reacted to my looks I might
of not of killed so many people!
My Favorites
Favorite Band or Musician: I love to play or even hear the Flute Favorite food: I will eat anything!
My Hobbies
To find someone who could love me and be my friend.
Most Admired
Victor Frankenstein